[SOLVED] Galaga like enemies flock squad movement

In Galaga

And most other game of this type
Enemies fly in pattern/formation/squad

Like they are daisy chained to each other

I have worst brute force idea how to do it
Like literally daisy chain each enemy to another

While pattern/path alone i have no idea how to do
I mean i would literally make go from Point A to Point B
Using boids behavior
But that would still not be it

I am open to any ideas

It was probably done with math. There are a lot of circular movements. Don’t ask me how.

The Curved movement extension might help. You can create a path using Inkscape.


The Animate Shadow Clones might also help.

Instead of daisy chaining the enemies together, I’d look at adding a pattern variable (similar to a state) to track the pattern an enemy is in and maybe a timer or counter to track what stage or time into the pattern the enemy is. For example, something like “idle” for the side to side movement, “diveBomb” for the looping attack, “collect” for the tractor beam attack etc.

@Keith_1357 as for shadowclones i saw some guy made snake like enemy out of it so that is an option

As for inkscape i saw it in cart example

Last ones have exactly what galaga would do for regular stages with 1st flying in formation then going into grid like formation

Yeah my idea with daisy chaining was most primitive
Giving them same patter and deploying them with some time intervals would probably be better idea

BUT in both cases
It is my option B

Since it was made for a nes game
I bet there is some easier way
And yeah it was for sure math
I did hope someone deduced how it was done exactly

But i guess i gonna stick to what i know is possible

Thx guys

I wish you success. There are a lot of discussions about the game. It might not be specific to GDevelop but it should help.

I just found this huge tutorial broken into 20+ long videos. It’s not gdevelop but I have to believe it can help.


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My god spot on THX
This alone is all i needed

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