[Solved] How can i return a template i bought?

I JUST bought the “Medieval Boss Fight” template for 9 dollars.

When I fırst try to open the project it gave an error and said it’s not able to download some of the assets, i mean many of the assets.

Also when i try to play the demo, there’s only gdevelop logo at everywhere, i can’t see any character, any enemies etc.

I changed the scene to game scene and finally see the character, i wish i didn’t.

There’s no way someone can play this and here’s why:

-The camera is never at the place it should be

-There’s actually no assets but only gdevelop logo

-Also it has an icnredible input lag.

I don’t know what to do but is there any chance that i cant return this template?

I just want that 9 dollars back, i live in turkey and 9 dollars is 320 turkish liras and thats a great amount of money here, people work a day for that money here.

I can’t put screenshots because it says that i’m a new user, if someone reach me i’ll send them a video shows everything

Hi @x3mdafilthy

Sorry about the poor experience, I can confirm the template doesn’t load properly.
I’ll refund that purchase, while we fix it.

The template is now fixed.