Hi All,
Here is what i try to do
I can’t find it in GD5 even if the importation of the GD4 project allowed it in GD5…
So … any idea ?
Thanks !
Hi All,
Here is what i try to do
I can’t find it in GD5 even if the importation of the GD4 project allowed it in GD5…
So … any idea ?
Thanks !
It seems the options disappeared so… I edited the Json file.
Even if the animation works as i want, I can’t see it in the animation editor…
Any idea ?
Thanks !
Hi Aurel,
In GD5, check under Sprite > Direction
This is the condition, the action is to “change direction”, but the form is the same.
Use the angle degrees to set the direction you want:
270 = Up, 90 = Down, 180 = Left, 0 = Right
And I believe you can enter any amount in between those for diagonal directions.
There’s a diagram that you can use here:
Or this, although it’s upside down next to the one in the wiki
Should still give an idea.
Although, if your game is designed to have 8 direction mode activated, you can just enter the 0 to 7. Sorry, I missed that, I’m used to using the degrees by angle.
I hope that helps
I was not aware you could do that. Nice!
Hi Phenomena,
Thank you for you help… Your answer will help for the part 2 of my problem.
But for now, the thing is that I need to define for an animation the eight directions. For instance here in a top down mouvement animation “walk” :
This was made in GD4 and then imported. I have access to all directions.
Here is the last animation I made in GD5 for the same sprite :
I want to define this animation for the 8 eight directions you explained to me.
For now I coded it directly in the json file of the project, but how to say… It is long and asking for patience cause making me sometime crazy
I really thinks the options disappeared…
Thanks for your help and for diagram which I will print because I use a lot the directions !
See you soon, still digging
You’re welcome
For part one of the problem, I would try something like this:
Sprite > Animations & Images > Current animation name
Sprite > Direction > Change direction
Good luck!
Hi all,
thanks again Phenomena.
I finaly went on this site to edit de json. i made the changes from there, in order to create the directions in the animation.
Hi Aurel222, i’m having the same problem too. How did you do? I haven’t experience with JSON:disappointed:
You can watch example Isometric, he have a good system, look the events and characters.
Events use angles for choose the right animation.