(SOLVED) How to make light layer work on android

Hello. :grin:

I鈥檓 having trouble using the light layer on an Android.:thinking:

When I play in the preview, everything works according to plan. The error comes when testing it on my Android, the layer is only visible on the sides of the screen, as if the light instead of being degraded and in a circle, was a solid box that completely eliminates the layer where you placed the Light object within the scene.:grimacing::grimacing:

If you deleted the Light object, the layer looks correctly, then I would like to know who helps me with a solution, I have been trying for days, I have created new projects and I have not succeeded, remove the objects from the scene and through code mount it to the scene and neither, and among other follies that have been a failure. Who helps me please.:pensive::pensive:

Never tried it. What version of Android do you have?
Try the Lights example project and tell us if it works fine for you.

Keep in mind that all Lighting effects (and most layer effects) require WebGL support. Much Older Android devices do not support WebGL fully if you鈥檙e using an installed app, and most non-Chromium browsers on android don鈥檛 support WebGL at all.

I have a Galaxy S8 and the Lighting example works fine on my phone. I have an older Galaxy S4 and it does not.


Thanks for answering.

I have a Redmi Note 8 with Android 10. and it doesn鈥檛 work for me. using google translate.

Hablas Espa帽ol no? Yo tambien
Haz intentado exportar a APK
El problema como dijo @Silver-Streak puede deberse al navegador (en dispositivos Android)
Soluci贸n 1: Exportalo a APK y nos cuentas tu experiencia
Soluci贸n 2: Mira en las opciones y se帽ala que el juego se pueda redimensionar en cualquier momento
(como en la imagen)

Buena suerte!!

Perfecto, gracias, no hab铆a pensado en exportarlo.
Gracias por su sugerencia, en el transcurso del d铆a lo hago y les cuento. :grin:

No funcion贸.
Descargue la apk e instale pero no funcion贸. :pensive::pensive:

lo descargue en otro Android y tampoco funcion贸.

puedes mandar caprutras de la pantalla