[SOLVED] How to set a custom directory structure for my project

Hello guys!

I am in my first times trying Gdevelop to implement it to my project (> ^ w ^ <), but I have a question whose answer I could not find in Google or in a thread already created in this forum:

Is there any way to configure a structure custom in my project?

I will explain myself better. I have the following folders created in my project:

Where the “MAPS” folder would contain what in Gdevelop is called “Scene”, and inside the “DATA” folder is the * .json file with the project information.

Now, my problem is when working with scenes saved in external files, since I have the following configuration for the project:

And this saves the scene in the path “/DATA/layouts” when I need it to be saved in “/MAPS”.

A partial solution I found is to modify the * .json file with the directory of my “MAPS” folder and move the scenes saved in the path “/DATA/layouts” to “/MAPS”, but when opening the project and modifying a scene saved in path “/MAPS” this is saved again in path “/DATA/layouts”…

I understand that maybe, from what the same option in the settings menu says, it is not possible to create scenes directly in a custom directory and they can only be created in the same folder where the * .json file is saved. But I would like to know if I can at least modify the path and that it is preserved when I modify the scene.

I don’t know, you would probably need to edit the source of GDevelop to adapt the path to your liking and recompile it… but why bother with that?
You’ll have enough trouble learning how to use GDevelop, spare yourself this one :sweat_smile:


Well, in the end I just organized my folders differently :joy: I thought there was some “simple” way to do it. But modifying the source code is already very cumbersome for the purpose :sweat_smile:.

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer me :slight_smile:

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