[Solved] How to show text when hovering over an image?

Hi, so… I am making a Clicker Game and I wish I could show the Name of the Upgrade in a text box when hovering over its image, I only found an topic of 2016 about it but couldn’t understand it properly, and I wish I could, so I am here asking for help cause there are no tutorials out there about it, hope someone can help me, thanks for reading till here.


I believe there’s an if point inside object condition. Just use MouseX MouseY for the points and the image as the object. Then, you just have an action that says “Create text at MouseX, MouseY”, set text to “Swift Reload” (for example)
I’m here if you need anything else.


Edit 6: Solved, I added the condition if the touch/cursor is on the item, add action show, then I selected the object text I made, and then in the next condition I added not, and then in the sub condition if the touch/cursor is on the item, then I selected the action Hide, then selected the object text I made, hope it helps someone one day o/

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