I tried so much tweaking how make these stupid guys get to my invisible object collide say ok STOP Turn around and GO BACK! and visa versa
Do you have multiple snails? Then you could use an object variables instead. If you have multiple then each snail is changing the same variable. So, the most recent collision is setting the direction for all of the snails. An object variable would allow each one to change their own direction.
ok object variable so i copy and pasted the same snail object all over level as the only enemy
That may be my issue.
Ok tested with just 1 on screen same error they just flip slide through my go left or go right objects and keep going they NEVER go other way collison or not
unrelated note: do you know about boolean variables?
about the topic: try a, “for each” event
Yes Booleans T or F but I’m saying when one hits my collision instead of flipping and going opposite way they either glitch… go through it without flipping or flip and go through it… or glitch flip and get stuck but NEVER goes opposite way.
I have only 1 enemy on scene for testing purposes nothing has changed doesn’t matter if 1 or 900000 it acts the same way regardless how I alter code
A_____M_____B When M has collision with B flip the sprite then go towards A then when M has collision with A flip sprite the go towards B rise and repeat Infinium
FIXED thanks a lot. took me having several monitors to follow letter by letter but I did it… still finishing my core looking for a Pixel Artist
I am good at pixel art. do you have a discord?