[Solved] Make my screen displayed on mobile as im seeing it in preview


How do I…

Make my screen displayed on mobile as im seeing it when i play a preview game

What is the expected result

Have the exact same screen like i have when playing it in preview mode, but on mobile

Related screenshots

This is in preview

This is on mobile

Thanks in advance

Someone with more experience will probably be of more help, but have you tried adding the camera zoom action and zooming in more? Like maybe 1.5 or 2?

Have you tried adding the anchor behaviour to the UI elements? Add it to each element, and then specify where they are placed relative to the screen edges.

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Thanks man this was what i needed :slight_smile:

excuse for offtop. I like your art, and color palette, it’s yours colors or from some site? Can you share it?
Good luck with your gamedev. :+1: