[SOLVED] Make the game remember the bgm volume

my game has a bgm
I tried to use the storage system to make it remember if the bgm was on or off
there is a global variable with the music volume , when the “music off button” is pressed the it saves the volume
but it doesn’t work :c

What bit doesn’t work? Does it save it to storage? Does it retrieve it?

To check if it gets stored, run the game from the editor (preview mode) and press ctrl + shift + i. Click on the application tab, and under Storage to the right of the window that pops up, select Local Storage > file://. There should be an entry with a key of GDJS_QuestaMusichettaBellallLULE. Check the value of this is what you expect.

If it is, then run the game in debug mode (choose "Start preview with debugger and performance profiler) , click the refresh button (on the debugger) and check the variable hold the values you expect.