[SOLVED] Need help getting lighting to follow several objects

I am trying to get specific instances of my Light Object to follow the various instances of Enemy Objects that I have on screen. I am able to do this easily for a single object (like my player), but I have some issues when I try to open this logic up to my enemy objects since I have several instances of them in my scene.

I have tried three solutions:

(1) I am able to use conditions to create the ‘right’ number of light objects and then set them to my enemy objects (called “Scorpion_Right_” in my game):

But since I am using the “At beginning of Scene” condition, the light object does not follow the Enemy Objects as they move.

(2) So, I then added an additional condition that I thought would allow the Light objects to constantly follow the Enemy objects, but the result is that none of my Light objects are being set to the correct x / y coordinates at all now.

(3) Finally I tried the “pick all instances” condition, and all that did was set ALL of my light objects to ONE Instance of my Enemy objects.

I am not sure what I am doing wrong as I would have thought my #2 solution above would have worked based on the logic of GDevelop. Clearly no. Any help would be very welcome!

(sorry - I tried to attach images for all three steps above but the forum won’t let me).

Have you tried using the Sticker extension, adding it as a behaviour to the SpiderLight object and sticking the SpiderLight object to the Scorpion_Right object?

Thanks! Oddly, this worked. Thank you so much!