🔒[SOLVED](Solved) Camera zoom with scroll wheel?

How would I go about making the camera zoom in and out by scrolling the wheel on the mouse or by pressing buttons?

Im looking to make a simulation and I need to be able to zoom in and out smoothly.

If tried using TimeDelta() aswell as variables (zoom, zoomMax and zoomMin).

But now the camera wont zoom at all☹️
Pls help! Ty

Set the zoom to a variable and add/subtract it by like 0.1 with the wheel.
You can trunc the result for more precision.
Use a condition for min max values.

Yes I figured it out😁 but ty.
I just wanted to know. Is there a trick to handeling each instance of an object on its own if multiple exist.

I have tried Link an object and for each instance of an object but they don’t really work effectively.

I have succeeded in allowing them to move each on their own but I want a health text displaying their health above their heads but and it should stay above their heads as they move.

Right now the health text just stays there and doesn’t move. And I also want to create variables for each instance but nothing works​:sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

Everything, as it is now, is just a mess even if I categorize it with groups. :frowning:

I use a variable (id) for both health and characters. Then you have to use for each event

May I ask that you please explain a bit more? Im lost :worried: ty

this is how i do it in Spirit battle.
I do generate the objects and ther id´s because the number of characters is not fixed.
if you have a fixed number of characters/HP bars, you can set the variable id manually to speed up the loading.

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Ty looks great :+1::+1::+1::+1:Will try this method

Keep in mind that this particular event is not optimised
You can increase performance by only updating positions when objects is moving and only update scales when taking damage.

I can’t get it to create health bars at al three instances.
I have three bots randomly moving around and I want to have them display health and move towards each other when the get too close and start fighting

Did you give each of your bots a unique id (variable)?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Okay :person_facepalming:

Would I name it something like “bot_1” " bot_02" … Etc?

Each bot has the variable id.
Bot 1 has the id (value =1), bot 2 id (2), bot 3 id (3)

Oh oke ty.
I’ll see if I can get it to work

Awesome stuff!!! Ty so much. Worked like a charm!