[Solved] Uploading a game in HTML5

How do I upload a game in HTML5 for the navigator like in itch.io?

You can read this guide

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Do i have to do it on 7-zip or I can with rar?

Forget it I must read before posting. Sorry

Forget it. It ain’t workin’

It looks like on the screenshot above you have selected the folder and archived the folder.
Instead, go in to the folder and select all the files and folders and archive the content of the folder directly

Make sure index.html is in the root directory as you select everything and make sure to select everything.

Try using the standard Windows Zip archiver:

Press and hold (or right-click) the file or folder, select (or point to) Send to, and then select Compressed (zipped) folder.

Also, ensure you’re not zipping up your project folder. You have to export the game first using the Local Folder option in the Advanced section. That is the folder/files you want to zIp up and upload.

I’ve corrected it, now it works. Thanks.