[SOLVED] Water splash physics?

I’m just curious, I saw a thread about 2D water physics like in Rayman Origins, Ori, or Mario bros U.

Like this.


To which some have replied Gdevelop isn’t capable of such physics yet. Well…How about now?

Gif used is from this thread.

It may be possible with a combination of rope and prismatic joints. Apply a rope joint between neighbouring nodes, and Y axis prismatic joint to each nodes and the red line.

An extension was just recently added to the community extension list for Dynamic Water. It might be able to assist you on what you’re trying to accomplish. I haven’t touched it so I can’t provide any guidance, but if you enable community extensions in your extension list, you should be able to find it by searching “water”


Alright, I finally figured it out. Thanks to a fellow user whose video is down below.

I’m just going to leave this here if anyone else wants to use this feature.


Hey there, what did you do to make that work? I tried this tutorial, with zero luck. Couldn’t even get the water to move.

Hey, this topic is a year dead, so please make a new thread, to avoid brining up old topics. thanks

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i also want water physics in my game and i have some experience for water as i have made subnautica and now stuck because of the water filling mechanism in the base

i am also working on we need to go deeper but i really NEED WATER PHYSICS
witha filling and emptying mechanism

help me pls:(

As I said before, please make a new thread, as no one will respond to an old one that you ask a question in.
Also, use @Inusitatus when you make the new thread, as I have an idea