Specific export to itch.io option that prioritizes file count

Itch.io has a 1000 file limit in a project. It is also a fairly large space for indie games and removing roadblocks that effect gdevelop content on there should be looked at.

I understand that loading multiple JS files may be more performant but in the case of Itch.io exports, there should be an option to prioritize file count instead.

Having a dedicated export to itch.io / priortise file count option could allow for the following features that could be added over time

  • bundle js files
  • create image spritesheets

One of my games has 230 individual javascript files or almost a quarter of the allowed itch limit taken up by files that could be concatenated together with minimal effort.

I created a very basic gulpfile that concats some of the files in my html export folder and the game is still fully playable to the end with no noticeable effect on loading or performance.
common-tools/.js → common-tools-all.min.js
.js → events-tools-all.min.js
gdjs-evtsext*.js → gdjs-evtsext-all.min.js
code*.js → code-all.min.js

These 4 new files are able to replace about 130 javascript files and keep my game under the 1000 file itch.io limit.


Sprite sheet support in general would solve most file count issues, as well as help with some memory management during runtime and loading.

I don’t know how likely js merges will happen as I believe they’re split for some progressive load optimizations? It’s been forever since I asked about it though so that could have changed.


That’s why I think an itch export option could be a fair middle ground. The default options keep the js files split, but in this particular instance where I believe file count is more important it could be done.