I am new to game developing and new to gdev in general. idk why but whenever i start the preview the
sprite just goes through the platform.
i have already selected the platform and platformer option.*
the sprite should stand on the platform but it doesnt.
i would be really thankful if somebody will help me and yes i have already read all the forums before writing this but i am unable to find the problem.
Hi, even though you said you did it, I would suggest to check one more time that the ‘platformer character’- behavior is attached to your ‘shadow’-sprite and the ‘platform’-behavior to your ‘land’-sprite.
With the platformer character-behavior you also don’t need to set any movement-events for your shadow any more.
If you just start with Gdevelop, I would suggest to make at least one of the tutorials that you can find bundled with the engine or here:
or here:
GDevelop 5 tutorials - GDevelop documentation.
It will give you a feel for the way the engine works and about some of the basic concepts - there are also tutorials for platformers.
thanks and will give it a try while searching on youtube i only found old tutorials i hope this one is up to date.
It could be a couple of things I sometimes forget to add platform behaviour to the platform or it might be a collision mask issue as a few times when I have resized a sprite it messes up the collision mask.