Steamcmd Help - Demo Going Live Tomorrow and I am no where near having my mac version working

I am trying to upload my mac version to Steam

Steam should launch the game but it just crashes

Steam attempts to launch the game, but it crashes giving an error “OS 0”

I tried following this tutorial, but it is missing steps and I was unable to complete the tutorial. Publish to Steam - GDevelop documentation

Since this has been a known issue with uploading Gdevelop mac exports, is there a fix in the works for this? Perhaps all we need is a more specific tutorial on steam command. Running terminal with zero experience can really mess up your computer.

I managed to install SteamCMD but unfortunately it won’t let me login despite following all the tutorials I found elsewhere on Steamworks documentation. I really need some help on this.

I managed to login to Steamworks on terminal. But that’s as far as I’ve been able to get so far. I tried creating a text file, but in the tutorial on Gdevelop’s documentation they only say “put the file next to your build.” What does that mean? It also looks like you have to create this special text file that steam uses called a .vdf file.

Does anyone have a completed vdf file that they would be willing to send me the text for so I could plug in my own values?