Sticker extension help

I am creating a game based on the old nursery rhyme Five Little Ducks where the player is the mother duck and she has to rescue her ducklings.

When the player is in collision with the duckling I want the duck to follow her. I used the sticker extension to achieve this.

The problem is is there anyway to stick the object at a certain point as I would like the sticker object to stay in one position but if the player jumps the sticker object moves.

This is my events

This is how I would like the duckling character to be stuck to the mother

but this is what happens when jumping

Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated

The object will keep the same orientation once you stick it. So for example if you stick the object when it is 5 pixels to the left and 5 pixels down from the anchor object, anytime you move the anchor it will move the stuck object to that position + 5 px left and 5 px down.

You can manually change the position even after sticking and the object will then keep the new orientation.

Also, in your events it looks like the duckling is being stuck to the mother every game tic. I would add a condition to check that the duckling isn’t already stuck so that this only triggers when needed.

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It might be easier to use the animated shadow clone extension.


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Thanks for the help I ended up going with the magnetic extension instead way easier and as a bonus it looks like the duckling is fluttering after the duck.



Nice. I’ve heard of the magnetic. I’ve never tried it. It looks good.

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