Still in collision when stopped in front of wall

I’m currently working on a 2.5D project and have two problems to solve…

First some background information about my game.

On the test stage I have a large floor area and some pillar-like platforms that you can jump up onto.
I move my player only by applying forces on X and Y. When you jump a z-value start to change into a negative number and when you fall it changes back towards 0.
The logic for a 2.5D game is that you control and move the players footprint (an object 10x1 pixels) and that the visual player is drawn in perspective to that footprint. All platforms also has footprints. If you want to jump up on a platform your player needs to carry a z-value more negative than the platforms negative z-height in order to let the players footprint enter the platforms footprint. When the player lands from this jump the z-value is used to draw the player at the correct perspective to the footprint.

First problem.
If I walk up to a platform and stop, my footprint is still in collision with the platform. if I jump at this point I will catch the platform and stay on it even though I haven’t moved the player sideways at all. I want the player to fall back down to the point where he started.
So, it seems that the collision makes the two object stop and separate so that the hitboxes overlap by one pixel - not make the second hitbox start after the first has ended.

Second problem.
If I stand on a platform and facing a second platform the player needs to jump to get on top of course.
But if I walk to the bottom or upper ledge of a platform (standing on the edge of the hitbox) and walk towards the next, higher platform a collision is detected but the player will not hit the wall and stop. It will continue and be present inside the next platform hitbox (probably by one pixel, but underneath the set height of the new platform).
So, it seems that if you have two objects hitboxes overlap at the final pixel, rules do not apply since they are not trying to collide further (just slide next to each others)…

I know this is a pretty vague way of describing a problem but maybe someone might understand…
I uploaded a short video clip in #en-quickquestions on the dicord-channel recently to demonstrate the first problem…

I managed to fix this by adding a larger footprint object over the already present footprint. So now the larger footprint pushes away from platforms if the smaller one is not in contact with platforms (ie when the player is not activly walking into a wall). When the player stops to walk it gets pushed back so that the smaller one is not in contact at all…