Not sure if I understand the structure correctly,
but I am creating a event group, each of them have different animations, like, play animation 1 and wait 2 seconds, and play animation 2 etc.
at the end of each there’s gonna be a same action, like shake the score on top.
Right now if I just put this action at the end of the list, it will just play before the animation starts,
Logically, there should be a function that creates a sub event of this whole group, so whenever the animation series finishes, it will play this action.
(variable boolean also probably not gonna be working too well since it’s a group of different instances…)
It would help to see the actual events.
You could use
Animation is… Or isn’t…
Animation has finished
Or if you’re going by time, you could use object timers.
Other times, you might want to use an object boolean to create a state or maybe conditions with an OR.
This is all guessing without more specific information.
More advanced solutions could be functions, event sheet, behavior, etc…
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the animations are loop of 2 pictures to create a sketch effect.
so when I’m making animations I’m like play one loop, wait 2s and play another and wait…etc. and each event got different total timing so can’t do object timer…
I guess probably an object boolean at the end is the only simple way…?
Yeah, it’s pretty complex looking. IDK if you can merge any event.
You could keep it as is, maybe add a boolean and/or object variables with the animation pattern.
It might be easiest to create an action and pass it the information.
Object PlayAnim anim1, wait1, anim2, wait2, anim3, wait3
PlayAnim 1,2,3,4,2,5
It might be clearer using the animation names. You can set the parameter type to animation.
PlayAnim “walk”, 2, “jump”, 4, “idle”, 5
It would still be slightly repetitive but easier to read just 1 action.
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