Hi, today after a bit of try in photoshop i’ve done a small sketch of how i think will be better the points and hitbox editor for the sprites. My idea is started for semplify the use of them for large sprites and for have a more bigger area for work on it because at the moment is a bit tricky to work on large sprites on only a small area. The same idea can be applied to the sprites animation preview also.
Hope that you like my idea and will be good if implemented in future if like it to all and to @4ian.
I like the idea yes!
This would probably look as what Bouh showed (close/help button still at the bottom like all dialogs). The right part must be included in a scroll view, the left does not move.
Little addition to this suggestion : highlight the selected point. Explanations:
i click to select or move a point of the custom collision mask : color of the point changes, and his reference line (with coordinates fields) take the same highlight color.
I click on a coordinate field of a point : highlight the coords line, and highlight the linked point.
if you work a lot with custom and (sometime) complex collision mask on big image (with a lot of point), you’ll quickly understand the idea !
Another bonus suggestion: a measurement rule on X/Y border of the edit zone. It would also help for a better positionning of the points.
I don’t know when this modification will be completed? It’s really a big improvement of gddevelop 5’s interface! Another function is to add the object folder to the object editor, which is quite easy to use for medium and large-scale games. The current tagging method is confusing when there are too many objects!