Time managment Of Platform

Here I got stuck below the dirt for some reason. The dirt did not disappear from below and did come back above and I was stuck.

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Idk why it is still appearing . I solved that yesterday

I was able to reproduce the problem by keep pressing the left and right arrow, move left and right as the dirt disappear. At some point, the dirt stop disappearing from below and I get stuck.

If I don’t press any arrow just stand there, I get through. So there must be some connection in your events between moving, pressing arrow keys and dirt disappearing that causing this.

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Give it a try now ?!!

is it a bug with the system i gave you?

Noo . That worked Fine …

good :slight_smile: , im glad this isnt any lol

How can there be a bug in your code . You r genieus :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

It is not so easy to reproduce it now I tried 20 times, I was moving left right and also jump when the dirt was about to disappear and I managed to get stuck 4 times out of 20 tries. 3 times the dirt did not disappear from below and 1 time the dirt disappeared but the player did not fall and the dirt did not come back either. The player was standing in the air.

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I will work on it again

The game looks and sounds great!
I’m stuck: the dirt disappears the first time you step on it twice. Then, when it appears, it disappears too quickly.
GIF (30 Mb)

Thanks for Appreciations. And I Dont Really Know I Have worked on this Alot of times . Idk How i will overcome this . B.T.W Thanks For telling Bug :slight_smile:

I Have also updated the game 10 h ago Means 1 h after your reply . So i guess you should check out If it is there or not… Thanks :slight_smile:

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