Timer Reset new Scene

Hello, I have the following problem.

I’m in a scene and start a timer, which should continue to run even if I change the scene and/or close the app.
But now the timer always restarts when I change the scene.
I would also like the timer to be formatted in 11:59:59 format. Can someone help me?

Best with screenshots from the event?

I thank you

4 variables, sec min hour, and a variable recording the last saved time.

save all variables to storage, and change last time saved variable to the current time you saved it (15:30:00).

when the scene starts, compare the current time with the last saved time and add the difference to sec min hour variables

Thank you.

Can you Show me the Events in a Screenshot, please?

I dont know how to implement such thing. Ill try and send here if I managed to. Now I’m busy.

Dont worry, i will waiting