Toggle move left and right every second click on the same button?

I have a sprite

When you first press the left mouse button/touch, my sprite moves to the left.
When you hold down the left mouse button/touch the second time, my sprite moves to the right.
When you hold down the left mouse button/touch the third time, my sprite moves to the left.
When you hold down the left mouse button/touch the fourth time, my sprite moves to the right.
And so on…
I want to swap the move of my sprite in X every time it’s hold down.

I have tested to create a global variabel thats hold 0 or 1 and check if it’s 1 or 1 and move depending on that.

and what is the question? :thinking:

Me too :thinking::thinking:

never mind. here is my version.

The variable doesn’t need to be global. You can read about the variables on the wiki:

First toggle the value of direction variable by multiplying the value by -1.

Make sure the default value of direction = 1

At the beginning of the scene
–>Do = 1 to Scene variable Direction

Then toggle the value by multiplying by -1

If Touch or Left mouse button is down
Trigger Once (IMPORTANT)
–>Do *-1 to scene variable Direction

So the idea is 1*-1 = -1 and -1*-1 = 1 and so you toggle the value of Direction this way between -1 and 1.

Then move spaceship based on the value of Direction.

If Scene variable Direction = 1
–>Do +4 to X position of SpaceShip
If Scene variable Direction = -1
–>Do -4 to X position of SpaceShip

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I always learn from you Master!

Thank You!