Top Down + Jumping - Beat'em Up system - 2 Players

Ok. I guess if you’ve created a system that works for you, then no point in changing it.

Sincerely I tried many solutions and I think it’s a functionnality who is on the roadmap (called 2.5D platformer engine behavior). Hope it’s on the way!

If i find better i will publish it :wink:

You were right MrMen! I don’t need gravity, it’s possible to simulate jump only with tween! I will share the program when it will be available. Xanks for your advices! :pray:


A simple Top Down + Jump System for Beat’em Up! :fist: :facepunch: :fist_left: :fist_right:
Green square is a HitBox (in option).

The file is here! enjoy :slight_smile:


Back to my prototype, I was looking to a tracking system Enemy > Player. But “Move toward an object” is not very precise. I need alignement in Y between Objects!

So I found this : 2 variables distance X & Y between Enemy & Player…
Not very clean, but it works…

Nice. And it’s a huge bonus if this mimics the double dragon enemy behaviour.

I think i need FSM to improve my program… I saw you posted about this. Any advice is welcome!

Last version. I need to implement damage system, lifes, Player 2, other enemies, new behaviors for enemies…
And other things like ladder, grab & catch objects (…) -_-!

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Have a look at this wiki page on FSMs, and fire away any questions you may have that it doesn’t answer.

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OK I’ve build this program ( :fist_right: Beat FSM V1 :fist_left: ) with the FSM system, it’s clean, shorter and very powerful! But I can’t switch my brain to understand why my character jump like a mad goat! I tried many things but it’s maybe the method. I probably need a “transition state” between Idle and Jump to check if the Jump key is released. I’ve made it with my old method with a Jump variable to allow jumping again and it works perfectly. Second thing it can be a problem to call states by animation for managing transition, isn’t it?

Maybe this method is better?

Can you check this MrMen?

I’ve modified your project. Here’s a link to the .JSON to replace your one.

Note, for some reason I cannot work out, the player cannot just if moving in an up left direction. I can’t figure out why, and wonder if it’s a bug with GDsvelop

Wow so easy… I understand a liitle bit more the logic!
No bug on my computer, Perfect!
Thanks :pray:

WOW THANKS for sharing this. I’m new to all of this and was trying to make a beat em up style game. I’ve spent the past several days trying to find anything on how to make your player jump in isometric view and this post has been the first that I’ve found that may help me. Like I said im new to all of this so a lot of what yall have been talking about has gone over my head but i may be about to piece it all together. If you and @MrMen ever decide to do tutorial videos on this, please tag me, i would really appreciate it!

Thank you for your interest… I’m still looking for the right solutions to align the enemies in front of the player :confused:

Have a look here.

I’m still working on a Beat’em up prototype… :slight_smile:

MrMen you gave me some good advices… can you have a look to my program? I think it’s possible to simplify it… particulary the enemy FSM system (Idle/Walk/Attack).

:fist_right: New version: 3.1 :fist_left:


DEE82, Maybe interesting for you too :wink:

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I can’t for a good 3-4 weeks time. I’m spending most of my spare time on other projects with deadlines. But there are others on the forum who may be able to help out before then.

No problem thank you for your answer … I will continue my experiments! :pray:

My last prototype :slight_smile:

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It plays like the Double Dragon in the arcades. Excellent job :heart_eyes:

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Xanks I did my best! :slight_smile: