I’m trying to make a turn based RPG, with a unique battle system that functions like the one in Parasite Evil but with 2D platformer element, but i don’t know how to use Gdevelop’s events feature, the tutorial on the website didn’t help in the slightest.
Outside the battles, the game funtions like your standard RPG with top-down overworld exploration with NPCs, towns, shops, and dungeons, the battles are where the gameplay gets
the battles are basically turn based like Parasite Eve where during the enemy’s turn the player move the character around the battlefield to avoid the enemy’s attacks a timer hits zero, then it’s the player’s turn, during the player’s turn, it play’s out like a standard turn-based rpg, with he player having the options to attack, use spells, use an item, or flee.
However, Unlike the battles in Parasite Eve witch are played on a 3D plane, the battles of my project instead plays out on a 2D plane, with platformer styled arenas and character movement inspired but the boss fight of the Mega Man series.
The player can run, jump and slide to avoid enemy attacks, and even perform a Cuphead-styled parry
the battlefields feature little or very simple platforming, for boss/major story battles, the battlefields has elements of 2.5D, with the arena being in 3D, but gameplay being unchanged from the normal battles.
The game features party members, during battles the extra party members mirrors the player character’s movements similar to Tails in classic Sonic games and the second Kong in the first 3 Donkey Kong Country games
Outside the battles, the gameplay is just a standard top-down overworld exploration with NPCs, shapes and dungeons.
Could someone walk me step-by-step on how to do this? I’ve watched the GDevelep RPG tutorial video and still unable to even make a properly functional overworld.