Trying to make a template for an RPG with a hybrid turn-based 2D platformer battle system, But i don’t know how to properly use Events

I’m trying to make a turn based RPG, with a unique battle system that functions like the one in Parasite Evil but with 2D platformer element, but i don’t know how to use Gdevelop’s events feature, the tutorial on the website didn’t help in the slightest.

Outside the battles, the game funtions like your standard RPG with top-down overworld exploration with NPCs, towns, shops, and dungeons, the battles are where the gameplay gets

the battles are basically turn based like Parasite Eve where during the enemy’s turn the player move the character around the battlefield to avoid the enemy’s attacks a timer hits zero, then it’s the player’s turn, during the player’s turn, it play’s out like a standard turn-based rpg, with he player having the options to attack, use spells, use an item, or flee.

However, Unlike the battles in Parasite Eve witch are played on a 3D plane, the battles of my project instead plays out on a 2D plane, with platformer styled arenas and character movement inspired but the boss fight of the Mega Man series.

The player can run, jump and slide to avoid enemy attacks, and even perform a Cuphead-styled parry
the battlefields feature little or very simple platforming, for boss/major story battles, the battlefields has elements of 2.5D, with the arena being in 3D, but gameplay being unchanged from the normal battles.

The game features party members, during battles the extra party members mirrors the player character’s movements similar to Tails in classic Sonic games and the second Kong in the first 3 Donkey Kong Country games

Outside the battles, the gameplay is just a standard top-down overworld exploration with NPCs, shapes and dungeons.

Could someone walk me step-by-step on how to do this? I’ve watched the GDevelep RPG tutorial video and still unable to even make a properly functional overworld.

I think your well intentioned just dont understand how hard game dev is

you should prob look into godot, unity, unreal hell even python

There are probably a lot more tutorials to help walk you through this

Why did you choose gdevelop??

Honestly you can prob TRANSLATE other peoples code into gdevelop if you really wanna do this engine

Translate as in learn how gdevelop works and then transfer over how they did it in another engine into gdevelop


-External Events


-This engine lags if you don’t optimize

-Making a game is hard and takes time

I suggest watching

Then “for translating”

if you have any questions msg me, ask forums, discord, do your own research

“i wont reply to every little thing”

heres my YT if you wanna see what I have done ig?

I don’t know how to code, that’s the reason i chose GDevelop

Your gonna Have to learn some form of coding if you want to make a game

I suggest learning how variables work
spending time looking through extensions and watching the stuff i told you to

I thought GDevelop didn’t require the user to have knowledge on coding?

That’s right. You don’t need to know a programming language to use GDevelop. GDevelop works with visual coding using an event system. Events have conditions that must be true and actions that will happen if the conditions are true e.g. if player is touching coin > delete coin and add 1 to the player’s score. It’s friendlier than traditional coding.

PMKNjuice is right that you will need to learn about variables and other programming concepts, though, and making a game in GDevelop still requires hard work and problem solving. But don’t let that put you off! The best way to get an idea of how GDevelop works is to watch some of the videos on the official channel and then start making things. Follow tutorials, even if they’re making games in genres that you’re not interested in. You’ll still learn a lot. Then experiment with prototypes and individual systems you’d like in your bigger project. I started by making a dialogue system and then an inventory, but you might try to work out how to get a basic turn-based battle system up and running, or any of the other things you’d like in your game.

Edit: (1) all the things you described about your game are possible in GDevelop. (2) When you asked for someone to talk you through it, that is a massive and open-ended request. The help forum is best for specific problems like “My turn-based combat system stops when the player attacks and the spell button doesn’t work” rather than “How do I use GDevelop and make my dream game?”. The latter would require someone to spend a great deal of time helping you.