Trying to teach myself FSM

So far, tutorials seem to be outdated and finding answers I need, just aren’t clicking in my brain.

I am trying to do a crouch attack but it’s only playing first frame. Am I even on the right track using an FSM System?

Please help.

Generally you’re only going to have a single state per event (and states are exclusionary, so you shouldn’t have to say “not these other 3 states”). Having multiple state conditions means they aren’t states.

If you want to look at an example of an advanced FSM, look at my Not-A-Vania example in the main engine example list.

Main Engine example list? I’ll look.

Wow…really impressive. So overwhelming haha. I’ll try to study this.

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If you want to go even more advanced from there, you turn your FSM into a behavior extension for your characters.

Benefits of doing so: you can change states right after the frame ends (before the next one starts)
Downsides of doing so: bit more of a learning curve understanding how to build out extensions.

I’m not that smart yet hehe…

I have been trying to study this…like when I look at FSMJump, I see left and right buttons but nothing saying jump…do you have maybe a smaller example?

That sounds like you’re looking at the transition section. Your primary action is always at the top, in the Action group.

Perfect example. I just see the “Trigger Once” Where is the “Press this button to do this”?

Jumps are odd because they have to start on the next frame. The jump “button” is called in other states transition sections to start the transition. Check the idlestate