Turn image names visible when making a animation

Make the image name appear under the frames. (And maybe a button called “Arrange frames in alphabetical order”)

A little story-telling:
When you select multiple images to upload for making animations, gdevelop will order them randomly.
If you are working with pixel art it will be hard to arrange them in the order they should be, because the images are very tiny and I bet you don’t remember what frame is in what order.

Why it should be added:
If there were a option to make our image names be visible, or one to order in alphabetical order, it would make the animation ordering process faster.

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Hello, Reborn!

I think when we upload multiple images into an animation Gdevelop don’t order them randomly. Look my example.

I created five images for animation:

Selected all of them to upload (they are organized by name as you can see):

And they appeared in the order as it was:

Now, when I clicked to add sprites in a new animation I changed the order of frames by the size:

And Gdevelop respected again the order:

I’m not saying your suggestion isn’t valid, because I think it is. But maybe this explanation can help you.

Unfortunately I did a test few moments ago (I even have selected the images in order) and the order that the sprites came up was random.

What version of gdevelop do you use? Desktop/web/mobile app?

I am using the web version.


I’m using Desktop version 5.1.160 (appimage) on Linux Mint XFCE 20.3.

For each 3 tries, the images will be ordered in all the 3?

For me, it randomize the order every time.