Unable to read a state from .json

I need to read a language state from .json file
i know where i need to place it, but how do i read a json file from documents/.wrathofchaos/configs/language.json?! I cant just type path to this, gdevelop CANCELLS it when im typing path.
I read all topics, but no one answered the question.

Try using the load variable from JSON file (I believe this doesn’t work on a web browser run game though):

Put the full filepath, and use a double backslash (β€œ\\”) instead of a single forward slash (β€œ/”) for the directory delimiter:

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it doesnt work
im using desktop app, not a browser app.
It doesnt work if i use \ instead of / too (Iam trying to use FileSystem::DocumentsPath() in path, but if i dont use it, saves will no longer work on windows, cuz im on linux)
oh i found a mistake
maybe it is a bug

it loads language in value

but doesnt show it

thanks very much! it works now!