Hello! So I have some problems today with my project.
First, I noticed I couldn’t save my project anymore
(in english : unable to save project / there was an error during the saving of the project, please try later)
Then, when I launched preview of my game as usual,all my sprites/background/elements of my game were gone and there was a blank background with weird color blocks instead (my characted was replaced by a color block).
Then, I launched débogeur (french version to the thing who detects errors/bugs) and there was lots of errors saying exactly the same thing for different sprites :
So I asked myself : is this error the reason I couldn’t save my project or launch a preview ?
My hypotheses on the origin of the problem is :
- I did the error (newbie error) to move some sprites files in my computer (I wanted to arrange them differently) while they were already load in G Develop.
- I sorted the exprimental/useless sprites that I had created and deleted from my object’s list (so they weren’t on my game) but were still present in my ressource library
But if everything is 1° explanation, G Develop don’t let me fix that : I can’t load any new files in my sprites properties and this message appears :
(in english : there was a mistake during the sending of some ressources / verify your internet connexion or try later )
Anyone has an idea of what can i do ?
PS : my project is stored in G Develop Cloud, some of my sprites are too (created with Piskel on G Develop) so even the sprites stored on GCloud seems unable to be loaded even though they exist in my ressources library.