Feature requests:
groups - so I can assign all my enemies to a group and just have the collision detection detect of an object of type “x” collided vs having to check for each enemy.
“Search an object” should be “Search for an object”.
The choose a new object to add dialog should have a close “x” in the upper right. As all dialogs should have.
Mousing over an instance of an object in the scene editor should have a tooltip with that object’s name
Scenes should have layers. Objects in layers should be “lockable” so when locked they are not selectable – see Construct 2.
Add an object should also allow elements from OpenGameArt.org
You should be able to create more than one scene. And have an action that switches the scene.
When you change the bgcolor of the scene to one that makes the arrows hard to see, the arrows should inver their color – meaning if there’s a dark background, make the arrows light, etc.
If I click on the name of the game in the upper left, I should be able to click to make the name into a textbox and be able to rename the game.
The cursor does not turn into a pointer under the game name, so it is very hard for a user to know that that area is clickable (the settings, share, export, etc menu)
If I host the game on gdevapp.com then I as a developer should be able to see a page that has stats on how many visits it got, how long played, etc.
double clicking the instance in a scene should do the same thing as clicking the object class on the right.
there should be a global undo / redo. For instance there’s no way to undo adding a shared action.
when editing conditions or actions, the cursor does not change into a pointer, so the user does not get any visual cue that those elements are clickable (to change them).
In general, anything clickable should show a cursor change…
version control: I should be able to stamp a particular instance of my game as “version x” and be able to release that specific version. I should also be able to revert back to any particular version . Currently if you do something wrong, you are not able to easily revert it.
all public games view. the “play” button should always be clickable and work. I mean come on the game is publically shared, right?
in the events viewer, I should be able to collapse an event (and it’s sub events) for better code readability
— that’s all for now