Use expressions on modified variable

I wish I could use espressions to name the variable that is being modified

It would help reduce code repetition, which I already do by calling most “setTo:” values dynamically with expressions like this

Thanks. :slight_smile:

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I believe you can. Have you got any issue when you tried?

I asumed
that if the expresion builder button doesn’t apear it means it doesn’t allow using them.
just so we are clear I mean this

You can’t choose the base or parent variable name dynamically only its children. You could put all of the relevant variables into 1 structure and the choose the children dynamically.


If so, then it’s fine, cause everything is within structures already. I’ll test it.

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I believe the real change I would ask for, is more of a UI change: make the “Variable Editor” button, change to “Expression Builder” button, once an existing variable name on the text box.

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I agree. When you’re typing inside the brackets to create a child name dynamically for a structure variable, you can’t use the expression builder or even the autocomplete. (2 separate yet connected issues)

I’ve had to either try to remember the syntax and cross my fingers or write the expression in the value field and then cut and past it into the brackets.

The variable button could be resized and the expression builder button could be placed beside it.