Videos have been helpful

If you have more than 1 scene, like for point and click or story game
How add hotkey that when pressed takes you to scene B for example
What are all the different ways to do this, or is there only 1 way to do this?

Say the screens (“scenes”) is only the size of a screen size, and just has stuff in it
Not any bigger not any smaller, the different screens are all the same size as computer screen, just fullscreen

Say you have 2 or more screens (“scenes”)?
Can you make each screen (“scene”) into an object

But can you make a screen/space/scene into an “object” thing or you cant do that in this?
Then add a hotkey where you press a hotkey
And it takes you to scene B (“object B”) for example
Is that possible?

For hotkey, Can you create or pick an “object” thing and it creates a hotkey ? Or it cant do that?
Or is hotkey a “behavior” (abilities) that is hidden inside of one of “objects” thing
Or is it an “event"?
And how do you know?

The harder to find and better videos that explains everything are helpful so far. They are good
Videos, the ones that explains everything, are definitely the most helpful things so far

The main problem with all this c is that you need to find the different things that do different things, but so far it doesn’t seem like there’s any consistency between any of the different “things” that do very different “things”, – and everything is hidden into the ui of the app basically, that’s the other very big problem. Yea
Pretty much it so far. If the app lists everything in a list, cleanly from top to bottom, of what each thing does, and explains or shows what each thing does, and you just scroll down the list from top to bottom, and you pick it then it’ll be alot simpler

But right now just trying to find what all the ways to do the hotkey thing, or if its just 1 way
But a hotkey that would “move” or take the player to a different screen window (or “scene” window) - screen makes more sense though
I don’t know if the screen counts as an artwork like a main character or a cloud artwork, or an artwork like a health icon in the game ui

You’ll need to create an event, with condition that checks for a keypress of the hotkey, and the Change Scene action to open Scene B.

Is that only way always
Then going to know thats always the way no matter what

That’s easy to remember if that’s the only way and always the way
If there’s more than 1 way i need to write all of them down I can remember