What’s wrong here? In the sound options everything is fine and when I move the slider the sound is muted or raised, when it comes to music nothing happens, I tried with music played from “play the music” and “music on channels”
solved, I mixed up the slider names, and then I set the music played to “music on channel”
You have a couple of things incorrect:
- Move the sound settings load to the beginning of scene. It makes no sense to save and then load straight away:
- The convert JSON string command is incorrect. You should be reading it from storage into the variable sound_save_load, and then converting that into the sound setting structure. It should read:
Convert JSON string sound_save_load and store it into variable Setting_vol
Note there is no quotes around the variable sound_save_load.
Move the sound settings load to the beginning of scene. It makes no sense to save and then load straight away
are these actions supposed to be in the first scene of the game?? you know, to load this settings after entering the game
At the start of every scene, but only because the volume setting is a scene variable.
@MrMen Ok, I can do this, but is there any other way?
Sure. Instead of changing the sound of a channel, change the Game global volume. Then you’d only need to change it in one place for the whole game.
@MrMen it’s not like that??
Yes, like that. And if you only use the game global volume, then you don’t need to set the volume on a channel.
ok! But this load action no need to be in first scene on the game? if the game starts, will there be a load from the scene where this action takes place? this action is “at the beginnig of the scene” but this scene is not first
If you use the global sound volume and a global variable to hold that volume value, then load it in the very first scene of the game, when it first starts. Then there will be no need to load it at the start of any other scene.