What is Image X Offset function and what does 100*TimeDelta() do to the background?
I clicked on help for this action and takes to a page on the wiki not corresponding.
I guess offset means displaced on the X axis the specified pixels. Don’t know if it refers inside the image or in the screen, just try and let us konw
TimeDelta() is the time remaining to the screen refresh,I guess is a Random value. So multiplied by 100 it will be the offset applied
I tried using differ figure such as 3000*TimeDelta() but cant really see the difference
For me, it’s more visible with 100000*TimeDelta(). One more 0 and it’s too much.
timedelta() is the time left until screen refresh, probably milliseconds, that’s why it does *100 but really it will be a few pixels, like @Gruk says try 100000 would give some hundreds of pixels
Great i’ll try that out