What's your score on Wordle?

Barely :yum:

I agree, but my wife begs to differ. She studied in Spain and heard this a lot. But I don’t think it should be an English word.

Wordle 361 5/6*


This one I do approve.

Wordle 362 4/6*


This was a pleasing 3, felt like I earned it.
Wordle 362 3/6


I thought I did quite well to also get it in 3. Then MrsWomen got it in 2. And it wasn’t a lucky guess either for the solution for her either.

Wordle 362 3/6*


I hope your ego isn’t scarred :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I imagine you waking up at night all sweaty with flashbacks of your wife blatantly destroying your Wordle efforts.


I really thought I had it at 3, but again it didn’t prevail.

Wordle 363 4/6*


Thanks for your concern :stuck_out_tongue: It was just a slight bruising, and it’s already healed - I got the next Wordle in 3, while MrsWomen didn’t. My manly ego has been restored :grin:

Wordle 363 3/6*


Eeek! :scream: One of those where you have lots of options…

Sorta spoiler

Today’s wordle nearly described me.

Wordle 365 6/6*


Hahahhaha, very good. But a bit late to use that middle letter.

Wordle 365 4/6


Felt reasonably pleased with myself with this one.

Wordle 366 3/6


Wordle dominance has been re-established :sunglasses:

:laughing: Had to look up the answer because I missed it. It almost looked like you didn’t want to put it in 3 times until you thought, now I deserve it.

@Bubble : You figured this one out quite nicely. I struggled a bit more than you, but still a decent score.

Wordle 366 4/6*


Really had to work for this one even though I had 3 yellows.

Wordle 368 3/6


Still better than me. Took me way too long, even with those letters revealed. I should have had it at the 3rd guess.

Wordle 368 4/6*


ES it might be too late for you now to check but I’m trying to figure out what your third guess was. Annul is all I can think of.

Used my favourite second guess letters with no result and then thought well let’s just see what we can make in the third guess. Was quite excited with this one.

Wordle 369 3/6


This is the word I used :smile:

Again I had a chance to get it within 3, and it slipped right under my nose.

Wordle 369 4/6*


Argh, the day ticked over and my Wordle attempt from yesterday (369) vanished. Must remember to post sooner than later.

My Wordle for today was an educated guess, thanks to a great starting word (it’s a new addition to my start word arsenal, in case @Bubble is hoping to work out which one it was :smiley: )

Wordle 370 2/6*


Well done. Hahahah, thank you for your consideration, with a two, I definitely would have been thinking. But I think you’ve used that one before anyway, I think one of your starter words is

Related to wordle 370


and that looks like it to me.

Oh no, haha, that’s not even the usual spelling I don’t think, haha. Poor ES. But I think you did well in 369 though as it’s not an every day word.

Just not happy with 370 at all, too obscure in my book.

Wordle 370 5/6


I always imagine it being said by Blackadder, or one of the Monty Python crew, with a gentle swish of the sword.

Yes, if they were channeling times long past which I suppose they mostly were, haha. I can’t imagine it being used these days apart from quoting the bible where apparently it’s used more than 100 times.

It’s actually the Dutch spelling, was surprised myself as well. Or, Wordle is wrong, or you just learned something about English words from me. That would surprise me even more.

Today I had it within 3 minutes, again surprising. A lot of surprises today, and it isn’t even my birthday.

My 4th entry was really easy as you can see.

Wordle 370 4/6*


This one. When I looked it up there were three ways to spell it in English.

No way, ES, haha, you had stime for your third 370 guess? Hahahhaha what does that mean. Okay I looked it up and it is a word but even less of a ‘real’ (Bubble approved) word than the actual answer.

Finally got some love with my starter word and thought I was going to get it in two, but eeeeeek:

Wordle 371 3/6


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