When you test your game and it stops at 95% load - SOLVED

Oh actually I was just looking at the regular folder. The export one it created with doubles :astonished:

For some reason, images can’t have the same name even if they are in different folder,

for example, you can’t add alex/jump.png and stella/jump.png at the same time. I recall last time I tried to do that GD said one of the picture was not added. I guess that is because all images are put in the root directory of the web site.

Ah okay, so if I have the GDevelop program and had one project open, if I try and create a new one (using copies of the pictures saved into a new folder) it creates doubles in the program and labels them png2 in the Images Bank Editor. That may be the issue. I am wiping all the images and adding a brand new project in a new folder. Will let you know how it goes.

No, it does that if you add the picture 2 times in the same project.

OMG those png2 files were the issue. All I had to do was to go back to my original project and look in the Images Bank Editor in the Edit the Sprite Object screen. Deleted any png2 files and just dragged the original ones to each animation. Now loading perfectly again! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Who knew something so simple cause cause such a big headache!

Thank you Victor and Utunnels -! :smiley:

thank you.png