While objects have no id - this is a big problem!

Yes, that is how you make an ID for your objects. When you write/read it, if it is the animation you want to change, do it like:

Write "Object.AnimationName() in “Animation” + ToString(Object.Variable(Id)) of storage “whatever”


Read “Animation” + ToString(Object.Variable(Id)) from storage “whatever” and store as text in ObjectAnim

It is this part that is crucial: ToString(Object.Variable(Id))

I totally agree that this very handy method could be easier to find and better explained in some Wiki or example. I have to admit I don’t myself completely understand what I am doing, but it works! :wink:

Maybe the storage name can be used in a more intelligent way too, I don’t know.

Also check this topic with more extensively about how I got it working and my observations about it: [SOLVED] Save with multiple instances (copies) of an object? - #5 by Spelskapare

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