I am trying to have a border for the car but the car is just driving over it, why is it not working and how can I fix it?
Do you have any behaviors or events to make them not passible?
To be clear, the Tilemap collisions object just give the tilemaps collision boxes, it doesn’t add any behaviors to it, nor does it automatically make them boundaries.
The tilemap has no behaviors and the car has top down movement and y-sort. What behaviors would I have to add?
Hey bman21, So I’ve recently got back into it and I struggled with the tilemap collision as well, working on a top down game. The best solution I’ve created is to make an object called collision, mask it over your walls, and when the player is in collision with it, make them move to their current x or y plus 1 tile. This may sound a bit confusing so here is a screenshot. Also make sure to place the collision as a sub event under the movement of the player.
I would start with something basic. An event that says Car is in collision with Tilemap Collision Object > Separate objects (Car will move)
I fixed it! Thank you so much to everyone that helped.