[Solved] WTF i can edit other ppls topic names

I can click pencil

I did it

Luckly i can’t edit post itself

A certain level of trust in the forum (automatically tracked and granted by the discourse forum platform) allows for minor custodial actions on posts.

If you don’t want that access the mods cannlock you at the level below that.

Yes please do it
I don’t like have ability to do something i should not to
Even in good faith i could edit someones topic name where it later can turn out i should not
I prefer not being able to do it rather than be able to do it and not do it

I’ve brought your Trust Level from 3 (Regular) back to 2 (User).
You can find details about Discourse trust levels and the associated permissions here: Understanding Discourse Trust Levels
Don’t hesitate to ask if you want your trust level unlocked again.

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But if it would allow me to edit my old topics i would care

But if not then as long as i can just make new topics and reply to others i really don’t care and i don’t need it

Ok, now I understand why I was able to do it years ago.

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