[Solved] Can someone edit my post cause i cant

I wanted update my post about save/load storage to reflect new variable system
Yet for some reason i can’t edit it
Instead i see edit history with no option to edit it

Can someone update it or allow me to update it
Updated content is below

This is old but gold


And here how to check at beginning of the scene if save exist
And give some values to some variables if it does not and perform a save
And if it does just load it

Be advised
If you have event above this load event where you play sound at beginning of the scene
Then you will hear sound for one frame at beginning of the game
Solution is to either move play sound event below this load event
Or play your audio with inverted at beginning of the scene and trigger once like here

Save/Load with old variable system

This is old but gold

image11031134×62 473 6.7 18 KB


image11271301×119 973 10.26 3 KB

Sorted. I’ve updated your post.

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