EDIT: AS magicsofa pointed out this is already a feature requested here, the difference is that i don’t need to edit the emitter…and i guess it is not solved as it looks…wel it is solved (since idd the emitter have a hitbox) but not with the proper way imo.
These days i’m trying to check a collision with a sphere particle.
It seems to not works bcs paticles don’t have a collision box…(or it is so small that can’ìt be checked)
Instead to assign one by a proxy object , i wonder if is possible to have a simple squared collision mask option like any other sprite.
Just a simple one red box customizable like other object (generated at particle origin or by points even if at a standad size of 100x100px) that follow the particle so the collision can be checked easly.
Like for eg: i water drop particle falling on a platform, a will o wisp enemy, ecc…
this could reamove for each events, proxy boxes, and other superflual events…
The particle emitter does have a hitbox, but the particles themselves do not. It would be a big resource hog to have collision for hundreds of particles.
If you are using a proxy object, why not just make that proxy object visible and get rid of the emitter?
mmm…i don’t want a collision box for each single particle (i know that is impossible) but a box surrounding the particles that fit their area covered.
Like it happens for the sprite.also you don’t need to have all particles inside the box and the box is customizable like any other sprite
Basically this…
tha’z idd why i asked the feature.
This way you don’t need a proxy you don’t need to stick it to the particle if they moves you have 1 less for each object…an easier collision detection…and u can let em interact with other objects in the game right out the box…
you can create various thgings without sprite needing like i said
eg i water drop particle falling on a platform, a will o wisp enemy, ecc…just a lot faster.
U could find many examples in 2d fighting game…
an hadoken for example, a meteor, a fountain, light rays…there u can see they have already a collision boxes (even if their sprites) and not all particles are needed to stay in the box.
I’m asuming that the particles are childs and the emiter is a prefab, and that that’s the reason for the particles to not have a colision box, but if thats true then the thing you want to do is posible even with childs not being able to interact with the scene, because you could include them in the general colision mask of the prefab wich would update its hit box to include the particles on their position.
Yes as i said you’re rite…it can be done…as many other things with prefabs.
But i’m not gonna use something that is still in development.
@at magic sofa
i noticed that already…but thx for pointing it out.
The emitter is fine as it is…i don’t need it to be edited.
Instead it can be used as origin for the box
in the end Digi is rite at this point i hope it will be possible with prefabs.
I’ll leave this as a feature…for…now
Explaining more why the request in other thread is not solved.
Using all my mouse drawing skill abilty here
when a particles hit an object you expect the object to hits on particles surface. if you check the emitter collision box it will looks like the collision is skipped (idd it is skipped).
tha’z why my request is different…a perfect collision with particles is not possible bcs as someone already pointed out is too heavy in performance.
I guess is better to have a premade box scalable in size that surround the area of the particles instead to check the emitter box.
In truth the emitter should stay untouched…cos wel…it emits particles…
mosts of the times you don’t need a perfect collision, …but something believable
…when you wan it to happen…it should happen …and not skipped.
It would be a good feature but it would make the game lag a lot as every single particle will have an hitbox and a lot of games use a lpt of particles I think it would be a greate feature if we can toggle it
nope, in part…bcs i guess particle are emiited by emitters surface box so if u increase the emitter box even the particles extend their areas and it is not what we need…but i can’t dig in it only dev knows how they’re emmited (if by point or surface)
imo the emiiter is fine as it is increasing the emitter hitbox will increase the surface occupied by particles…as i said i may be wrong on this…in that case…u’re right
I’m not sure what you mean exactly because particles are not limited in any way that I can see. The emitter hitbox is 32x32 pixels, you can have particles fly beyond that but the box stays at 32x32.
Even if you change the radius of the emitter, which changes the circular area that particles can start in, the collision box of the emitter is still 32x32. The radius and the hitbox are not related.
thz idd why i’m asking to sourrund the emitter with a box to check collisions easly.
I tested this in my game and it 's a lot smoother
when you create for eg a sphere particlke this happen.
now imagine hit that sphere with an object…to destroy her.
You must hit the tiny emitter boxx or the collision won’t happen.
I guess check this .
should be easier
but…if the emitter box could be increased without interfer with partcles area then check the collision with emitter would idd be the best solution…in that case yes the request would be to allow to resize the emitter’s box
Then u’re right
EDIT: I want to add that this should be optional at particle creation
About this request, if it will be taken into consideration;
i want to specify that the emitter’s hitbox should not be
influenced by particle/object’s properties like scale,size ecc…
I’ve just noticed this and i wanted to point it out