Gruk’s issue comes from the fact he try to check force of ball
While he is using physics (meaning he is not using forces)
Kinda like you keep your house warm by having hot water in metal pipes running around your house
And then you try to check how much you spent last year on wood for fire place
Well you are not using fire place you are not using wood so there is nothing to check
I am not good with physics
BUT i bet there is expression or a way to check angle of movement with physics
And you would use exactly that
To bounce off wall like straight flat wall it would be angle of movement -180
For a circular shape of a wall
I believe it be either the same
OR angle of movement and here some math magic with angle of wall + / - and then -180
Or something like that
I am not good with equation so i can’t assist you any further
About necroing old topics
@insein This is only forum i am using on regular basis
But sometimes i do google some crap and i find posts on other forums
And you know what i see?
How either
A - someone did necro a post and then someone else comes and say (do not necro old posts and make new one)
B - someone makes new topic and someone else comes and say (was asked 1000000000 times use search feature)
C - kinda mix between A and B but ends up worse for user rather than just written advice
So i care to ask you few questions here
Since you are guiding other user here i believe you will have no problem answering them
And i wanna answer from you not a moderator or any other user
Since seems you are expert here on the topic
(i mean others can try to answer but i will believe only your words)
Mainly for me to know but also for ouais25 and any other potential user here
1 - Why posts are not automatically locked after some period if inactivity if we should not necro them?
2 - Why we have ability to to reply to old posts if we should not?
3 - What is expiration date for a topic? How long it can be inactive until no one should try to reply to it?
4 - In previous question (#3) does same time period apply to asking question in said topic same as in answering questions in said topic?
5 - Do you wish for me and other users including you to google how to do something in gdevelop
And find 20+ separate topics about same thing with 3-5 replies not solving the problem and creating another topic so any next user also adds new topic so there are more topics to find with no answer?
6 - Should i make new topic to ask these questions i just ask you or is it ok to use same topic? Even so original topic is 5 years old?
You may find my questions as a joke and well you will be right
But if you did write to me such message i would be dead serious with these questions and i would expect serious answers
So if not for me i hope you will answer them for any potential future user so they know what to do
And don’t take it as attack on yourself
At this point i am really curious what you have to say
Cause i for example am necroing old topics when i find solution to them
For example
Only 9 months later but still not 5 years
How to STOP Auto-Jump by holding JUMP button? - #4 by ZeroX4
Or here
not 5 years old but 6 months
Is there a way to automatically add commas to large numbers? - #5 by ZeroX4