Examples, tutorials and resources of my own

This is a list of useful examples, projects and resouces that I’ve being making trough the years. I wanted to put them all together in case they can be useful.

I’ll continue updating this topic with further examples and projects.

___ Implementing “shock period” after platform character receives damage

___ Slot machine (using data structures)

___ Tomato vs Pear (open source pokemon-y turn-based battle system)

___ Flies! (primitive IA and object-defined regions)

___ Drag-and-drop with placeholders

___ Bomb dropping game

___ Sorted score table

___ Type-on text effect

___ TUTORIAL: Dynamic arrays and structure notation

___ EXAMPLE: Dynamic structure to file, file to struct (saving data)

___ Simple math test (extensive use of dynamic variable arrays)

:taco: :taco: :taco:


Nice and shared on Twitter :slight_smile:
Thank you for this.

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Hi Ulises!

Thank you for sharing it in Twitter!

Thank you ! Can never have too many examples, tutorials and resources. I hope one day to know enough to help others like you are :slight_smile:


Thank you so much the list is so useful for me .

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