Hello there,
I got some questions about Gdevelop.
1:What are the limits fom tilemap.
2:Limits for a image.
3:Limits for a sound
Thank you
Hello there,
I got some questions about Gdevelop.
1:What are the limits fom tilemap.
2:Limits for a image.
3:Limits for a sound
Thank you
Can you be more specific? What limitations - size, number, quality/resolution, types, being presented at once etc?
What kind of limits are you asking? Is it Size, Quantity, or The number played at the same time or a limit till something happens? Please provie more information in order for us to help you.
The first limitation of Gdvelope is that it’s only supposed to make games. If you are planning to make apps, then forget about using Gdvelope. Consider using another tool.
The second limitation is File access, you can access files other than the game files but you can’t browse them so you’re supposed to know where the files are.
The third limitation is 3D. If you’re planning to use 3D heavily, consider using another engine. I think this 3D implementation is still very basic and not optimized.
This is not a complete list, but I think these are the most important limitations to consider.
You requested that you want to know the limitations of the tile map, image and sound. I only know the last two.
For the image, it doesn’t have limits, but the more you make it big, the more lag you’re going to have in your game. So your limitations is the performance.
another limitation to consider is, the engine doesn’t have any capabilities to modify the image other than recolorising it or tinting.
For the sound, it can be as big as you want. If you use the music, events and conditions, not the sound, events and conditions, the limitation of sound is the engine isn’t capable to change anything with the sound except pitch.
Sorry for the late responds.
How big can i draw the TileMap on the screen in the X and Y.
Like i want a world from 100000000000000-Tiles does Gdevelop performanche run that.
100 000 000 000 000 tiles wide is very probably too big for Gdevelop, and for any other system. Unless you use procedural generation, and thus don’t need to store the data. There is a noise generator expansion you can use for that.
Also, here, there is a discussion about project size limit (in mB) : (Export size issue help?)
This might answer your question too : What is the limitations of gdevelop? - #4 by Silver-Streak
100,000,000,000,000 tiles is a square made up of 10,000,000 x 10,000,000,000 tiles. That’s a square with 10 million tiles on each edge. If each tile was 1 byte, it’d be 10 terabytes of data. But realistically each tile will be at least a kilobyte, so you’ll be talking in excess of 90,000 terabytes.
Who has that much disk space or enough RAM to store 1 % of that?
You need to be realistic about what you want to do.
But to answer your question, not as one single bit of data. But as a procedurally generated terrain (as @vfabien21 responded), certainly
Thank you
But what do you think is the limit then.