[GitHub issue #6739] Not creating an object when "Cancel" was clicked on the "Add a new object" window

Note: a similar issue for panel sprite buttons here [GitHub issue #5938] When [Cancel] is clicked after adding an object, the object shouldn't be created. However, if you’re interested on Objects in general, please vote for this feature.

This may have been said before but I find this really annoying.

Sometimes I accidently create a sprite and not a tiled sprite and realise that I have made a mistake also when I am importing a sprite I may change my mind and cancel the import but Gdevelop still creates an empty sprite called Newsprite just a pet peeve that if I cancel it should cancel it entirely.


This happens to me too and it hits me one level below irritation. What would that be, resentment? Well not as bad as irritation but not something I would ever choose to feel if things behaved correctly.

Bit it is still saved in the resource and you can acces it and then create that object and there will be a search box like thing search the name of that file not that object that file because it saved everytime

Hello bonzillesmobilegames,

Even tho there is a similar issue that denounces this odd UX pattern [GitHub issue #5938] When [Cancel] is clicked after adding an object, the object shouldn't be created, the issue seems to discuss UI buttons specifically and not objects in general.

So, I’ll leave this issue open, and I’ve also created a GitHub issue here: Not creating an object when the user Cancels the action on the "add a new object" modal. · Issue #6739 · 4ian/GDevelop · GitHub


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