It’ll be because the player is being repositioned and updated before the platform’s position is updated. So the player is placed on the platform, and then the platform is moved.
Are you positioning the player with events, or are you letting the behaviours control it?
The moving platform just right now uses the rectangular movement and platform behavior, I used tweens before, but it just led to the same result, even with putting the events on top of the players events.
The behaviour strongly suggests the object is player is moved before the platform is moved. It may be a GDevelop behaviour and the order it processes extensions.
A solution may be for you to manually control the character on moving platforms.
I’ve tried something with tween and here is the result: When it goes down everything is normal, but when it goes up the player keeps playing his falling animation and idle back and forth, my guess is that it detects him falling, making him play the animation, and then immediately back to his idle animation. Here are the events I have for it:
At this point i wonder if giving moving platfroms topdown object behavior and simulating key press for them to move them up and down would make more sense
Other thing you can try is to look trough gdevelop examples
And check if there is some platformer with moving platforms and see how it is done there
So you’ve got the platform animation extension running too? It just sounds like you’ve got a number of behaviours and extension going on at the same time, and they’re causing a bit of conflict.
You can easily create a few events to manage the animation of the player character, and do away with that extension. Or turn off the behaviour when the player is on the platform.
I agree on what mrmen said…
to me ot looks like you need to calculate the falling speed/gravity of your player,cos he’s not above the platform,he’s just falling…at lower speed.
…also mind if i ask where you placed your character sprite origin point?your collision at platform contact looks off…judging from your ss i would place my origin to middle bottom.
another thing that could happen…is that each frame you’re checking if the platformer behaviour is activated and the player is not dead…this may cause a latency for collisions check…and subsequent change animations actions…(thaz why i would double check my origin points).i’m not sure though.
…btw i prefer to never use a behaviour check as condition if not strictly needed.
I did change my player’s origin to the bottom middle as you suggested, and removed the behavior check for the conditions. (I used that for damage reasons but change it so it doesn’t need to be there anymore) Thanks for telling me about this debugger too! Never knew that was a thing until now. . I also tried ZeroX4 suggestion for using top down behavior, but it didn’t work . I also tried looking into the examples but none of them have a platform going down and up. Any more ideas?
are collisions working properly? the same video with the collisions debug on.
in that case you may have to match the player and platforms falling speed/gravity as zero said
Ok i tested it and it is BS
Report this as a bug cause it should be reported
At this point best solution would be to have 2 animations for your platform object
One which is one and a half pixel lower (yes i tested it and its not 1 but 1,5) and one which is normal
Where they would have exact same collision mask
Where they both have 1,5 pixel of empty space one above it other below it
Thanks for clarify that it was a bug, I’ve been working on multiple possible solutions for day . Also, I will try our solution too! Hopefully this gets patched soon! Also, for RMDB: I tried to make a video of it, but the quality wasn’t good, I have to convert my video file to a gif for the forum to accept it, it made most stuff not visible, no idea what happen there? And one more thing, how would I report the bug, never tried before. Would I go to a website in gdevelop, or is there somewhere else?
Your Solution works! . Thank you so much ZeroX4, I’ve been working on this bug for a good chunk of time! . Also thank you RMDB and MrMen for helping out too! The only thing left now is to report the bug, which I don’t know really how?