How to make gun stay in frame (3d) [SOLVED]

like the tittle says, how do i make a gun stay in frame, like the fps example. i cant check the example itself cuz i cant afford it. but yah how do i do that?

just add a new layer called gun.
place the gun object on the layer.

gun dosent move with the camera

Please show me your events, layers
and objects. you wanna have it Like this →


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Oh its a 3d model.
On witch layer is your gun please show me.
IF your gun is on the base layer then give your the highest z-order


I do not see the problem for your gun then.
You can send mably the files of the project.

me neither but i THINK when the gun rotates and moves, it turns on its center instade of the origin/edge which makes it not move with the camera

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Do not roltate the object.
I think you can use better a anemation for it.
What do use for modeling.

blockbench, also how do you want me to make the gun be in the correct angle without moving it

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Use a the anemtion tool in blockbench

Here a link.

dosent help, sorry
this vedio just shows how to import a model
my problem is the gun model not rotating around its edge but rotating around it center

I now show me a screen shot from blockbench center.
I think your model is not on the center.

Try to move your object to diffrent corners.
IF you want, you can send me your model. so i can try my best on it.

didnt work

heres the link to the model, no textures tho

I think its facing to wrong way

I have fliped it for you.
Hope its works.