It can be very frustrating to impossible to find certain actions/conditions/expressions because the name of what I will call functions don’t always match the event sheet description. It also makes it nearly impossible for a new user to find say an action in the action list based on a screenshot of the events.
For example: seperate objects appears as move object….
I agree and i would add that “ALL” actions should be visible in search after at least a full word is typed and not hiddens like there are another 40 actions hidden try to refine your search ecc…ecc..cos most of the times the action i need is there even after refined search…some times i open an extension just to find a hint on what to input in the search to get what i need.
to my point of view this new ui is a total downgrade form previous ver…dunno waz happening behind…
from a pc user’s view like myself…feels like using a cheap phone app…