Make "Pause Scene" function more usable by saving audio and tween data

Hello there whoever this may concern

This suggestion is to automatically pause the audio and current tweens as well when pausing a scene.
Currently when pausing a scene and returning to the scene, all sounds that were being played when paused stop and down start playing again.
And when you pause a scene while an object is tweenes, it also creates weird behaviors:
it does not continue the tweens where they stopped, also I had the impression that it turns all tweened objects visible, even when they were invisible on pause. And after an object has been paused during a tween once, then you come back, the object moves, and then when you pause and unpause a scene again, the object is not where it was at the end, but jumps back to where it was paused the first time during the tween.

So the feature request is:
save audio and tween data for pausing scenes.

I will avoid the pause function from now on, because it is too clumsy and it creates too many issues.
But pausing a scene manually (stopping all moving objects, storing all objects forces to continue them later on, storing all tween data, storing all audio positions and volume, etc.) is a lot of work. So having an automated function that handles it would be of great help.

And since it’s related, I will add that what has been already requested before (here or here, indirectly here), that multiple paused scenes can be helpful.