My game was posted automatically on the GDevelop website without my doing

Hi, I recently started working on a project, and I later created an account. I don’t know when, and I don’t know why it happened, but my game was posted to GDevelop publicly for others to play without me ever publishing it. I have taken it down, but I am frustrated and confused why this happened. I have exported the game locally to my computer several times, but I do not recall ever clicking a publish button of any sort. I did not want the game to be played yet, as it is still in development. It was even the latest version that I had just saved, it was updating using every change I made. Is this something that just happens, was there a mistake, or did I accidentally do something? This seems completely wrong.

Did you generate link to preview to test it in browser?

No, I have only tested it in a game window. I have also ran it with the debugger, which also runs locally.

Did you copy it from another project or is it totally newly created project?
Cause if not then i ran out of ideas

You probably clicked the first option. option.

This was a brand new project, not copied from anything.
I don’t recall clicking the button, but I’ve used Browser and Android. And I can’t imagine that simply clicking the button would instantly publish my game publicly without any setup or configuration, and if it does do that, that’s pretty bad.

That’s likely what happened though. I probably don’t remember because maybe it doesn’t make you set anything up, maybe clicking the button does instantly publish it. If that’s the case, that should definitely be changed. I did not want my game to be published, and if my game can be published without me even knowing, that’s a problem. But I still don’t know for sure if that’s what happened.

Now when you want to generate link to gd games
1st you are publishing your game which gives link with your game name then AFTER THAT you can generate new link with 1dsdqa2s1a213 which is for tests

I believe you did try to generate that link with random characters we used to get just for test
On purpose or by accident it does not matter but i assume you did

And you ended up with publishing it
I am describing issue related to it here

It should by default generate that link for test with random characters just for test
And not 1st publish our game then allow us to generate random link

I’ve never generated any links, or been given an option to. I haven’t clicked the share button, and I haven’t done anything with the selection. So I don’t really know what you’re talking about.

So i can be wrong
If its not the case in your case
Then i have no idea how your game could get published